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Vibration and Noise Control Lab.

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    The Vibration and Noise Control Laboratory at the University of Maryland at College Park (UMD) is a graduate research laboratory specialized in the development, analysis, design, optimization and implementation of various active and passive control of vibration and noise radiation from flexible smart structures.  



   Develop A New Generation of Surface Treatments


Develop Active Piezoelectric Damping Composites  


Develop Smart Foam Composites  


Develop Active and Passive Controls of Vibration & Noise


Develop Active and Passive Magnetic Composites


Develop Passive Treatments for Power Tools


Develop Shape Memory Alloys & Polymers Applications


Design Quiet Structures in Virtual Reality



Contact Information


Prof. Amr M. Baz,
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Telephone               : 301-405-8410
FAX                         : 301-405-8331 
Address                   : 2137 Eng. Building
                           University of Maryland
                                   College Park 20742
Electronic mail        :   baz@eng.umd.edu




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Last modified: February 05, 2002