Please visit the University Human Resources website for the most up-to-date staff listings, as well as additional opportunities throughout the University.

Engineering Career Services

The Engineering Career Services Office helps students find co-op, internship, and summer engineering positions. Students participating in these programs gain professional work experience, earn a competitive salary, make invaluable networking contacts, integrate classroom theory into practice, and confirm their career choices. In conjunction with the campus Career Center, we also assist students in finding post-graduate positions. Our services for students include: on-line job listings and interviews, employer presentations, walk-in career advising, resume critiques, mock interviews, career development workshops, an electronic newsletter, and career fairs.

Engineering Career Services Office
1137 Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301-405-3863
FAX:     301-314-9867
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Students looking for research opportunities within the department should contact either the ME undergraduate or graduate office.