Helu, Moneer
Affiliate Research Engineer (ME)
Dr. Moneer Helu is a Research Engineer at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). Before joining UMD, Dr. Helu was the Chief of the Systems Integration Division of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In this role, he co-led NIST’s engineering-related advanced manufacturing research portfolio including programs focused on additive manufacturing, cybersecurity, data infrastructure and management, data analytics, and robotics as well as the NIST Engineering Laboratory’s longer-term strategic planning activities in manufacturing and systems integration. Dr. Helu was also the Program Manager for NIST’s Model-Based Enterprise Program (2020-21), Leader of the NIST Engineering Laboratory’s Life Cycle Engineering Group (2018-21), and Co-Leader of the NIST Smart Manufacturing Systems Test Bed for which he received a US Department of Commerce Gold Medal in 2019.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
- S.B., Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professional Societies
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
Honors and Awards
- SME 25 Leaders Transforming Manufacturing (2021)
- NAE 2021 German American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
- U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal (2019)
- NAE 2019 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
- SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award (2018)
- ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference Best Paper Award (2015)
- SME 30 Under 30: Future Leaders of Manufacturing (2014)
Selected Professional Service
- Past Chair, ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division (2021-2022)
- Co-Chair, 30th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (2023)
- Member, MTConnect Standards and Executive Committees (2015-2021)
- Associate Editor, SME Manufacturing Letters (2020-2023) and Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2018-2023)
- Chair, 2021 NIST Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Summit
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Process Monitoring and Control
- Data Interoperability and Management
- Precision Engineering
- Operational Technology
- ENME 426: Production Management