News Story
Aerospace publication highlights Miao Yu research

The type of fly ear used in Miao Yu's research. Photo courtesy of Miao Yu.
The story details Yu's work in developing miniature acoustic sensors and sound localization techniques using the hearing mechanisms of flies as a model.
The fly ear is a "nature-designed optimal structure' for obtaining the best acoustic directional cues at 5 kHz," Yu told the reporter. Yu is replicating the fly ear's performance and design, and have developed an optical detection technique to make the system highly sensitive and able to filter out noise.
Yu's research is part of the award she received as an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator. Her research could improve the navigation and homing abilities of micro air vehicles (MAVs) and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs).
Read the full story at the Aerotech News and Review website.
Published December 8, 2008