News Story
DaMata Receives Inaugural 2013 Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies Award

Amarildo DaMata, ME Graduate Studies Coordinator
Amarildo DaMata, coordinator of graduate studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been recognized with a 2013 Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies (CGS) Award. In its inaugural year, the CGS Award is intended to recognize individuals who make exceptional contributions to graduate education, a graduate program and/or the graduate student experience in that program.
DaMata, who has worked as a coorindator of graduate studies in mechanical engineering for six years, is one of only two coordinators to receive this year’s award. When asked about his recognition, DaMata stated, “The Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies Award came as a wonderful surprise. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with our graduate students, faculty, and staff and am honored to being recognized for it.”
The CGS Award carries a $500 cash award, and recipients are nominated and endorsed by other faculty or staff.
Published May 8, 2013