News Story
James Tancabel Wins Best Student Consortium Presentation Award

Ph.D. Student James Tancabel wins the Best Student Consortium Presentation Award.
Ph.D. student James Tancabel's presentation, 'High Performance Low Charge HX', was voted as the best best student presentation out of the 15 presented at this fall's Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE) consortium meetings. Research sponsor judges commented on the interesting subject matter along with his organized and thorough presentation style. Tanacbel was presented with a certificate and an engraved pewter tankard after a post-consortium student luncheon.
The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering's consortium meetings are held semi-annually and feature research presentations to sponsors by our students and faculty, feedback sessions, lab tours and networking events. The fall sessions were held September 10-12 at the UMUC College Park Marriott Inn and Conference Center. Nearly 80 people attended in person and online from countries throughout the world. Attending sponsors provided valuable feedback to students on their presentations and select the best presentation at each consortium meeting.
Published September 26, 2018