News Story
Mechanical Engineering Students and Professor Recognized at University Awards Banquet
At the 20th Annual University Awards Banquet, sponsored by the Office of Campus Programs, the following Mechanical Engineering students were recognized:
Daniel Becker, Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
A senior ME student, Daniel is a member of the Phi Sigma Pi Fraternity and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. He has served as a volunteer for the AIDS Walk, Sarah's Circle and the D.C. Food Bank. An Honor's Student, Daniel is a Maryland Distinguished Scholar.
Namrata Boveja
A senior ME student, Namrata is President and founder of the American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin. She is a member of the Student Government Association, the Indian Student Association, and the Engineering Student Council.
Micah Coleman, Omicron Delta Kappa Initiate
Micah's long list of extremely varied activities include President of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, SGA Legislator, President's Student Advisory Council, Chairman of the Student Entertainment Enterprises Review Board, Hillel, Gemstone, the Ultimate Frisbee Club Team, ODK, and Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Micah is a junior ME student.
Subroto Gunawan
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities
Subroto is a senior ME student. A transfer student, Subroto has been on the Dean's List every semester. He is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Golden Key National Honor Society.
Robert Kucner, Omicron Delta Kappa Initiate
President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, SGA Legislator, and the Gemstone Nuclear Waste Disposal Team lead the list of Bob's activities. He is also involved with Tau Beta Pi, the Honors Program, ODK, the American Chemical Society, the Catholic Student Center, and the Engineering Student Council. Bob is a graduating senior.
In addition, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Linda Schmidt was a finalist for the Outstanding Advisor for a Student Organization Award, for her work with Pi Tau Sigma, the National Honorary Mechanical Engineering Society.
Published May 7, 2001