News Story
Robo Raven appears on 60 Minutes

Footage from the Maryland Robotics Center is part of the Drones over America segment shown on CBS News’ 60 Minutes on March 16. In the segment, veteran correspondent Morley Safer explores various types of micro air vehicles, the domestic uses to which they may be put, and the questions about safety and privacy that arise from their use. A clip of the micro air vehicle Robo Raven, developed by Professor S.K. Gupta’s (ME/ISR) and Professor Hugh Bruck's (ME) research group, is seen flying starting at the 12:16 mark of the segment. Robo Raven is the first flapping-wing MAV with independently flapping, programmable wings. It also can be programmed to perform any desired motion, enabling the bird to perform aerobatic maneuvers. The current version of Robo Raven has solar panel wings. | View the 60 Minutes segment | View Robo Raven videos on the Maryland Robotics Center YouTube website:
| Robo Raven | Robo Raven Twins Learning Aerobatics! | Robo Raven III: Integrating Solar Cells into Wings | Robo Raven Dives with Onboard Camera |
Published March 19, 2014