News Story
Thamire Granted Purple Cam Shaft Award by Pi Tau Sigma

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chandra Thamire.
Each year, the members of Pi Tau Sigma vote for one professor as the recipient of the award. The professor that receives this award is one whose class is difficult and challenging, yet fair.
Because of Thamire's demand for superior work, his students felt that they left the class better prepared for their careers as engineers. The award signifies the respect his students have for him as a professor. "ENME 371 has always been a difficult class to teach, because it changes from semester to semester and year to year. There are very few occasions where Dr. Thamire sends an email or replies to a classroom discussion posting online during daylight hours. Usually it occurs in the early hours in the morning. Because of Dr. Thamire's obvious dedication, and care for students, members of the Maryland Tau Mu chapter of Pi Tau Sigma elected Dr. Thamire as the recipient of the Purple Camshaft award," states Gabriel Affandy, President of Pi Tau Sigma.
Dr. Thamire's name will be engraved on a plaque hung outside the Mechanical Engineering Main Office, and he will be able to keep the Cam Shaft Plaque until the next recipient is named. The award was presented in May.
Thamire's research interests are in the areas of bio-heat and -mass transfer and soft-tissue mechanics; alternative energy; injection molding; and automated assembly. He teaches ENME 371: Product Engineering and Manufacturing and ENME 670: Continuum Mechanics. He is also a recent inductee from the department into the Keystone: the Clark School Academy of Distinguished Professors program.
Published June 26, 2007