Gabriel, Steven A.
Leader, Design, Systems and Reliability Group
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
The Institute for Systems Research
Center for Risk and Reliability
Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Scientific Computing Program
Dr. Steve Gabriel is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland with an additional appointment in the Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Scientific Computation Program.
Dr. Gabriel has extensive experience in both mathematical modeling as well as algorithm design for optimization and equilibrium (i.e., complementarity) problems in a variety of engineering and economic areas such as energy, the environment, transportation, and telecommunications. He has over 35 years experience in mathematical modeling and analysis in academics and industry. He has an M.S. in Operations Research from Stanford University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining the University of Maryland in 2000, he was a project manager for energy modeling at ICF Consulting, a postdoctoral researcher at Argonne National Laboratory, an Operations Research Analyst at Arthur D. Little, Inc., a Systems Analyst with Technology Systems, and a Market Analyst for a kerosene heater company.
Professor Gabriel has over 100 publications in refereed journals, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, and technical reports. He has been an expert panelist for the DOE (Energy Information Administration and National Technology Laboratory) in providing guidance on building an international natural gas model as well as evaluation of their fossil energy programs. Also, he has been a guest researcher at the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands in Amsterdam assisting with building certain aspects of their European natural gas market model. Lastly, Professor Gabriel works extensively with both Masters and Ph.D. students in modeling and algorithmic design for infrastructure problems. Dr. Gabriel is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Mathematical Programming Society (MPS), and a Senior member of IEEE. In addition, he has held a variety of editorial positions:
Area Editor for Energy, Networks and Spatial Economics (1999-2014), Associate Editor for Energy, Operations Research (1999-2006), Associate Editor for Energy Economics (2006-2012), Member of Editorial Board, ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering (2013-present), Associate Editor, Optimization and Engineering (2013-2017), and Associate Editor, Energy Strategy Reviews (2014-2015).
Dr. Gabriel was the Gilbert F. White Fellow at Resources for the Future (2007-2008), Professeur Invité Trottier at the Institut de L'Énergie Trottier, Montréal, Canada (2014-2015), a Humboldt Fellow (2015-2016), Visiting Research Professor at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (2021), and Jubilee Professor at Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden (2022).
Modeling of critical infrastructure using optimization, equilibriuim/game theory, and statistical methods, with applications in: energy markets, energy policy; telecommunications networks; environment (climate change, wastewater management, land development); transportation; algorithm development for solving optimization and equilibrium/game theory models.