Larsson, Johan
Affiliate of the Applied Mathematics & Statistics and Scientific Computation program
Affiliate of the Department of Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
- PhD, University of Waterloo, Canada (2006)
- MSc, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2002)
- BSc, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden (1999)
- E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty (2018)
- NSF CAREER Award (2015)
- Best MSc Thesis in the ME Department (2015; to student Andrew Trettel)
- Associate Fellow of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics
- American Physical Society
Dr. Larsson has broad interests within the fields of fluid mechanics, turbulence, and predictive computational science. His interests range from the very fundamental to the rather applied: his ideal research question is one which solves a highly applied problem through a rigorous and creative fundamental approach. Large-scale simulations on thousands of processors are an important tool in this research, enabling detailed turbulence simulations or quantification of simulation uncertainties. Current project topics include: enabling large eddy simulation to be applied at realistic (high) Reynolds numbers through approximate wall-modeling; developing grid-adaptation techniques for turbulence simulations; developing physics-based uncertainty quantification approaches; and developing improved models for hypersonic turbulent flows.
ENME202 "Programming"
ENME392 "Statistics"
ENME489M "Advanced Fluid Mechanics"
ENME656 "Wall-bounded turbulent flows"
ENME745/417 "Numerical Methods in Engineering"