Semesters Offered
Summer 2018Learning Objectives
The main goals are to provide students with a conceptual understanding of the principles of CAD systems, the implementation of these principles, and its connections to CAM and CAE systems. The generic aspect of CAD software systems will be discussed. A large portion of the students’ time will be spent independently in the computer labs learning the details of design and analysis related to the product realization process. The software system used are Siemens NX, Creo Parametric, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to CAD systems
- Engineering Graphics and Spatial Visualization
- Dimensioning Engineering Drawings
- Feature-based Component Modeling
- Assembly of Components
- Detailing with Tolerances
- Applications in FEA and Manufacturing
Learning Outcomes
- an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
- an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Additional Course Information
Credit only granted for ENME 272 or ENME 414. Students entering the Mechanical Engineering program in fall 2012 or later are required to take ENME 272 for their curriculum but may substitute ENME 414 in place of ENME 272 if desired.
Engineering Design and Creo Parametric, Guangming Zhang, College House Enterprises, LLC., 2014
ISBN 978-1-935673-22-4
- References: Pro/ENGINEER Part Modeling User’s Guide and Design User’s Guide, Parametric Technology Corporation (updated annually) Herbert Yankee, Engineering Graphics, PWS Publishers, 1985
- The main software systems used in teaching/learning are Siemens NX, Creo Parametric, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor.
Class/Laboratory Schedule
- Three 50 min lecture sessions per week
Last Updated ByGuangming Zhang, July 2012