Get the tools for success


Advance solutions to daunting challenges

Our faculty are pushing the envelope in a range of fields to provide the foundation for more efficient energy systems, improved healthcare solutions, building better materials, advancing robotics technology and more. As a graduate student, you will find the support needed to work on these efforts, to advance innovations of your own, and to apply new methods and technologies to the operations of industry, agency, and government partners. 

Build an interdisciplinary skill set

Our programs empahsize both breadth of knowledge and depth in a particular field, empowering gradutes to adapt to and advance changes in industry and academia. Programs also empahsize collaboration across fields and disciplines, both within the Clark School and beyond it. 

Access state-of-the-art facilities

Mechanical Engineering is home to the several large research centers, such as the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering, the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, and the Center for Risk and Reliability,  which have diverse research interests and numerous ties across academeme, industry and government. In addition, the department is part of the Maryland Robotics Center, an interdisciplinary research center that persues all aspects of robotics development and innovation.

Be close to employment opportunities

The University of Maryland's promixity to Washington, D.C. offers  unique professional opportunities with leading engineering consultancies and research labs as well as state and federal agencies.
