News Story
Dr. Michael Zachariah Receives DURIP Instrumentation Award

Prof. Michael Zachariah received an award from the Department of Defense's Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) to purchase research equipment that will help the university conduct cutting-edge defense research into energetic material.
Dr. Zachariah’s proposal was among a group of 190 researchers to receive an award, with a total of $54.7 million awarded. The $189,000 award will be used to purchase a thermal analysis system that will perform thermogravametric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and differential thermal analysis. Intergrating this system with a mass spectrometer already in the lab will provide the university with valuable insight into the mechanism of thermal ignition of small amounts of energetic material. The new system will also help the university improve its ability to evaluate new types of energetic materials, and will aid the university to further develop and understand new and more efficient oxidizers for nanocomposite systems.
For more information on Prof. Zachariah and his research visit his faculty page.
Published June 5, 2012