Sanford, Dr. R. J.
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
2410 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Building 088
- Post-doctoral Study, University of Maryland, 1978-79
- Ph.D., Major in Solid Mechanics, Minor in Mathematics, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1971
- M.S.E., Major in Solid Mechanics, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1965
- B.M.E., George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1962
- Selected for NRL Thomas Edison Memorial Graduate Training Program, 1966.
- Recipient of NRL Research Publication Award, 1972.
- Recipient of Hetenyi Award, Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1974.
- Recipient of NRL Research Publication Award, 1979.
- Elected to Grade of Fellow, Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1980.
- Recipient of Frocht Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 1994.
- Elected to the grade of Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002.
- Listed in Who's Who in Engineering.
- Listed in American Men and Women of Science.
- Listed in Who's Who in the East.
- Listed in Who's Who in Technology.
- SEM (formerly, SESA) Chairman, Optical Methods Committee, 1981-1984
- Vice-Chairman, Optical Methods Committee, 1979-1981
- Member, Committee of Fellows, 1980-1982, 1993-94
- Vice-Chairman, Monograph Committee, 1982-1986
- Member, Technical Activities Council, 1981-1984
- Member, Editorial Committee, 1980-1986
- Member, Fracture Committee
- ASME — Life Member
- American Academy of Mechanics — Founder member
- ASTM — Member, Committee E-08 (Fatigue and Fracture)
- Chairman, Organizing Committee, 15th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics
- Member, Organizing Committee, 23rd National Symposium Fracture Mechanics
- Sigma Tau — Member
Experimental and numerical fracture mechanics
Optical mechanics
Experimental stress analysis
Strength of materials
- Kies, J.A., Krafft, J.M., Sanford, R.J., Smith, H.L. and Sullivan A.M., "Historical Note on the Development of Fracture Mechanics by G.R. Irwin," Linear Fracture Mechanics, Envo Publishing Co., Lehigh Valley, PA 1975(1-27).
- Sanford, R.J., "Fringe Patterns in Photoelastic Holography," Progress in Experimental Mechanics, Catholic University Press, 1975 (167-190).
- Sanford, R.J., ed., Fracture Mechanics: Fifteenth National Symposium, STP 833, ASTM, Phil. PA, 758 pages, 1984.
- Sayre, C.L., Jr. and R.J. Sanford, Introduction to Interactive Programming and Computer Graphics for Engineering Design, classroom edition, 283 pages, 1987.
- Sanford, R. J. ed., Selected Papers on Foundations of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 137, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA, 638 pages, 1997. Co-published by Soc. Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT as SP-001.
- Sanford, R. J. ed., Selected Papers on Crack Tip Stress Fields, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 138, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA 656 pages, 1997. Co-published by Soc. Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT as SP-002.
- Sanford R.J., "Principles of Fracture Mechanics," Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 422 pages, 2003.
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Other professional society fellows
- Society of Experimental Mechanics