News Story
Sengers Edits New Book on Thermodynamics of Fluids

"Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids" was designed as a guidebook for researchers who use equations of state for chemically reacting and non-equilibrium fluids and fluid mixtures. The book reviews each equation in depth, providing updates, practical and theoretical applications, and pros and cons of their implementation. It is intended to serve as a sequel to a previous IUPAC volume published by Elsevier in 2000, "Equations of State for Fluids and Fluid Mixtures," also edited by Sengers and his colleagues.
According to the RSC web site, "Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids addresses the needs of practitioners within academia, government and industry by assembling an international team of distinguished experts to provide each chapter. The topics presented in the book are important to the energy business, particularly the hydrocarbon economy and the development of new power sources and are also significant for the application of liquid crystals and ionic liquids to commercial products." RSC is marketing the book to researchers in the fields of chemical and mechanical engineering, chemistry, and physics.
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Published November 23, 2010