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automotive windtunnel test

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Our undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering begins with a solid background in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and basic engineering science courses. This strong foundation during your first two years prepares you for the advanced classes and research projects you will undertake in your final two years. With a graduation requirement of 120 to 125 credits, most of our students graduate within four years. Motivated students can get involved with special projects as early as their junior year, working on group projects to develop one of the most important aspects of mechanical engineering: teamwork.

About the Major

Mechanical engineering is the broadest of the engineering disciplines. It is concerned with the design, manufacture, and operation of a wide range of components, devices, or systems. The field comfortably encompasses applications ranging from:

  • micro-mechanical surgical systems to
  • internal combustion engines for Formula One race cars or
  • giant turbines for renewable energy wind farms.
A fitting adage for the discipline would be turning ideas into reality.

Graduates of the program will possess the skills and the knowledge-base critical for success in today’s marketplace, with the problem solving expertise and flexibility necessary to adapt as technology and society evolve. Students must be proficient in the traditional fundamentals of mechanical engineering such as solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer processes, materials engineering, electronic instrumentation and measurements, controls, and design. However, they will also explore new/emerging areas through a variety of electives such as smart structures, electronic packaging, information systems, Lean Six Sigma, reliability, and nano-electromechanical systems.

Attributes such as teamwork, ethics, and leadership are emphasized in the curriculum. The program is designed to integrate out-of-classroom experiences, helping students explore career options and apply what they are learning in the real world.

Students can work with faculty on research projects, serve as teaching fellows, pursue leadership opportunities through clubs, and participate in national competitions such as the Formula SAE/Baja SAE teams or the Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. Study abroad and cooperative education opportunities are also strongly encouraged.

A Focus on Projects

Over the past decade, the program has established a winning record in intercollegiate competitions. Regional, national, and international competitions in Mini-Baja vehicles, human-powered submarines, solar energy, and others have resulted in numerous prizes and honors for our students and faculty. These successes have drawn the interest of a wide variety of industries, all impressed with our students’ abilities to get the job done.

For more information about the Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
