Let's build something together

Industry Sponsors

Corporate partners are essential to the vibrant culture of the A. James Clark School of Engineering, and specifically the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Companies invest in our top-ranked programs to elevate their brand, build their talent pipeline, solve unique challenges in the industry, and demonstrate a commitment to the University of Maryland community.

Key opportunities are listed below. Please contact Alex Taliaferro, Director of External Relations, to learn more about how we can customize a partnership to meet your goals.

Collaborate with our Faculty

Mechanical Engineering faculty members are experts in a broad array of pressing research areas who collaborate extensively with colleagues in industry, government, and academia. The department is home to world-class research centers, including the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering and the Center for Environmental Energy Engineering, interdisciplinary research centers sponsored in part by numerous commercial corporate and government organizations.

Meet Our FacultyExplore our Research Centers and Labs

Hire a Student

The Engineering Co-op & Career Services Office assists employers in filling co-op, internship, summer or part-time positions with talented engineering students. Together with the University Career Center, we also assist employers in finding candidates for full-time, permanent employment. 

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Attend Industry Events

Through sponsored lectures, industry-related conferences, and career fairs, the Department of Mechanical Engineering forges links between business and government organizations and our students, faculty, and alumni. Featured events like Design Day, held twice a year, offer alumni and corporate partners a unique opportunity to engage directly with our students as they showcase and discuss their capstone design projects.  

Explore our Events

Sponsor Design Day

At the end of each semester, the Department of Mechanical Engineering hosts a showcase of senior design projects. Design Day highlights the talents and creativity of students in the Integrated Product and Process Development Course. Teams of senior-level students present project prototypes built to solve selected engineering problems. Projects are judged by faculty, students, and industry representatives based on technical criteria.

Sponsors receive brand recognition, an opportunity to speak to the class, and invitations to serve as Design Day judges.


Learn More About Design DayContact Us to Sponsor

Support the Department

Companies can achieve additional brand visibility, access to students and faculty, and exclusive updates about the department’s activities through philanthropic partnership. Opportunities include support for scholarships, student teams and competitions, student projects, classroom activities, and research initiatives. Each partnership is structured to meet a company’s specific goals.

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