Kiger, Kenneth
Keystone Professor
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs
Keystone Professor
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs
Mechanical Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Brain and Behavior Institute
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Brain and Behavior Institute
1131U Glenn L. Martin Hall, Building 088
- Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 1995
- National Science Foundation CAREER Initiation Award, 1997.
- Reviewer for National Science Foundation
- Referee for the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Experiments in Fluids, International Journal of Multiphase Flow
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences
- Organizing Committee for the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2000)
Fluid mechanics and experimental techniques, specifically in the topics of multi-phase flows, particle/turbulence interaction, and turbulent mixing in complex geometries. Current project topics include applying Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to the suspension of sediment in turbulent channel flows, air entrainment by plunging liquid jets, fundamental dynamics of spray cooling for electronic applications, and the effects of turbulent mixing on safety issues within Pressurized Water Reactors of nuclear power plants.
- Lee, J., J. Kim, and K.T. Kiger, “Time and Space Resolved Heat Transfer Characteristics of Single Droplet Cooling Using Microscale Heater Arrays,” Intl. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 188-200, 2001.
- Kiger, K. T., and F. Gavelli, “Boron Mixing in Complex Geometries: Flow Structure Details,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 208, pp. 67-85, 2001.
- Gavelli F., and K.T. Kiger, “High Resolution Boron Dilution Measurements Using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF),” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 195, pp 13-25, 2000.
- Chirichella, D., R. Gomez-Ledesma, K.T. Kiger, and J.H. Duncan, “Air Entrainment by a Plunging Liquid Jet Translating Over a Free Surface,” Physics of Fluids (Gallery of Fluid Motion, photographs and abstract), Vol. 12, No. 9, pp. S4, 2000.
- Kiger, K.T., and C. Pan, “PIV Technique for Simultaneous Measurement of Dilute Two-phase Flows,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 811-818, 2000.