Wallace, James
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
0100-K Ellicott Hall, Building 256
- D.Phil., Oxford University, 1969
Dr. Wallace Retired in 2012.
- The Kirwan Undergraduate Education Award of the University of Maryland (2006)
- 2005 Maryland Professor of the Year, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
- University System of Maryland Board of Regents Teaching Award (2004)
- Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni, Georgia Institute of Technology (1995)
- Achievement Award for Contribution to Science, University of Maryland Sigma Xi Chapter (1992)
- Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (1989)
- Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, University of Maryland, College Park (1987-88)
- Distinguished Service Award in the Engineering Sciences, Washington Academy of Sciences (1984)
- Chairman, Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society (2003), Councilor (2009-present);
- Member-at-Large of the United States National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the National Research Council (2003-2006).
Physics of turbulent fluid flow
social implications of science and technology
- R.B. Loucks and J.M. Wallace, "Velocity and Velocity Gradient Based Properties of a Turbulent Mixing Layer," J. Fluid Mech. (2012), in press.
- J.M. Wallace and P.V. Vukoslavcevic, "Experimental Measurement of the Velocity Gradient Tensor," Ann. Rev. of Fluid Mech. (2010), 42, 157-181.
- A. Folz and J.M. Wallace, “Near-Surface Turbulence in the Atmospheric Surface Layer,” Physica D (2009), 10.1016/j.physd.2009.06.014.
J.M. Wallace, "Twenty Years of Experimental and DNS Access to the Velocity Gradient Tensor: What have we learned about Turbulence?," Phys. Fluids (2009), 21, 021301, 1-17
- J.M. Wallace and L. Ong, "Local Isotropy of the Velocity and Vorticity Fields in a Boundary Layer a High Reynolds Number," Phys. Fluids (2008) 20, 101506, 1-7.
- S. Simoens and J. M. Wallace, "The Flow Across a Street Canyon of Variable Width - Part II: Scalar Dispersion from a Street Level Line Source," Atmos. Environ. (2008), 42, 2489-2503.
- S. Simoens, M. Ayrault and J.M. Wallace, "The Flow Across a Street Canyon of Variable Width - Part I: Kinematic Description," Atmos. Environ. (2007), 41, 9002-9017.
- P.S. Bernard and J.M. Wallace, "Turbulent Flow: Measurement, Analysis and Prediction," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, (2002).
- E. Balaras, U. Piomelli and J.M. Wallace, "Self-similar States in Turbulent Mixing Layers," J. Fluid Mech. (2001), 446, 1-24.
- J.-Y. Vincont, S. Simoens, M. Ayrault, and J.M. Wallace, "Passive Scalar Dispersion in a Turbulent Boundary Layer from a Line Source at the Wall and Downstream of an Obstacle," J. Fluid Mech. (2000), 424, 127-167.
- L. Ong, and J.M. Wallace, "Joint Probability Density Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of the Vorticity Field of a Turbulent Boundary Layer," J. Fluid Mech. (1998), 367, 291-328.
- J.M. Wallace and J.F. Foss, "The Measurement of Vorticity in Turbulent Flows," Ann. Rev. of Fluid Mech. (1995), 27, 469-514.