Faculty Directory

Kim, Jungho

Kim, Jungho

Program Director, ARPA-E, 2024–present
Mechanical Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
3137 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Building 088


  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1990
  • MSME, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1986
  • BSME, University of California, Berkeley, 1982


  • 2024-Present, Currently on assignment to ARPA-E as a Program Director
  • 2008-Present, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland
  • 2011-2012, Invited Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
  • 2001-2008, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland
  • 1998-2001, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland
  • 1992-1998, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, University of Denver
  • 1990-1992, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Physical Sciences Department, Arvin/Calspan Corp, Buffalo, NY
  • 1983-1990, Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota 
  • 1982-1983, Mechanical Engineer, Plant Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory


  • Rosemount Instrumentation Award (1989)
  • ASME Fellow (2005)
  • University of Maryland College of Engineering Poole and Kent Senior Faculty Teaching Award (2016)
  • University System of Maryland Board of Regents' Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching (2016)
  • MIPS 30th Anniversary Award in Energy with Whisker Labs (2017)



  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Multiphase Flow
  • Associate Editor, Microgravity Science and Technology
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Energy & Technology
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Experimental Thermal Fluid Science
  • Past Chair of the ASME K-13 Committee on Multiphase Heat Transfer


Phase change heat transfer process, investigation of fundamental heat transfer mechanisms in pool and flow boiling and spray cooling in Earth and microgravity environments, heat exchange within complex heat exchangers, building thermal energy storage and their use in demand/response and energy trading, vacuum insulated windows.




  • Lebon, M.T., Hammer, C.F., and Kim, J. “Using a Modified Single-Phase Model to Predict Microgravity Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in the Bubbly Flow Regime”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2020, doi.org/10.1080/08916152.2020.1782534.


  • Lebon, M.T., Hammer, C.F., Kim, J., “Gravity Effects on Subcooled Flow Boiling Heat Transfer”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 128, pp. 700-714, 2019.
  • Jo, J., Kim, J., and Kim, S.J., “Experimental investigations of heat transfer mechanisms of a pulsating heat pipe”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 282, pp. 331-341, 2019
  • Dhruv, A., Balaras, E., Riaz, A., and Kim, J. “A Formulation for High Fidelity Simulations of Pool Boiling in Low Gravity”, Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.103099, 2019


  • Al Hashimi, H., Hammer, C., Lebon, M.T., and Kim, J., “Phase change heat transfer measurements using temperature sensitive paints”, J. of Heat Transfer, Vol. 140, Issue 3, March, 2018.


  • Saenz, P.J., Wray, A.W., Che, Z., Matar, O.K., Valluri, P., Kim, J., and Sefiane, K., "Geometrically-controlled drop evaporation: Dynamics and universal scaling law", Nature Communications, 8:14783, 2017.

  • Jung, J., Kim, J., Lee, H., and Kim, S., “Measurements of phase distributions on the surface in subcooled pool boiling”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 115, Part A, pp. 62-72, 2017.


  • Scammell, A. and Kim, J., “A Study of Gravitational Effects on Single Elongated Bubbles”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 99, pp. 904-917, 2016.
  • Fukatani, Y., Orejon, D., Kita, Y., Takata, Y., Kim, J., and Sefiane, K., “Effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on hydrothermal waves (HTWs) of volatile drops”, Physical Review E, 93, 043103, 2016.
  • Solotych, V., Lee, D., Kim, J., Amalfi, R.L., and Thome, J. Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Pressure Drops within Compact Plate Heat Exchangers: Experiments and Flow Visualizations”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 94, pp. 239-253, 2016.


  • Scammell, A. and Kim, J., “Heat transfer and flow characteristics of rising Taylor bubbles”, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 89, pp. 379-389, 2015.
  • Sáenz P.J., Valluri P., Sefiane K., Matar O. K., and Kim J., “Two-phase transient evaporation of sessile drops with three-dimensional phenomena”, J. of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 772, pp. 705-739, 2015.
  • Solotych, V., Kim, J., and Dessiatoun, S., “Local Heat Transfer Measurements Within a Representative Plate Heat Exchanger Geometry Using Infrared (IR) Thermography”, J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 21, 4-5, pp. 353-372, 2015.


  • Fukatani, Y., Wakui, T., Hussain, S., Kohno, M., Takata, Y., Sefiane, K., and Kim, J., “Analysis of Droplet Evaporation using IR Thermography”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Manuscript 1067103, 2014. 
  • Bhavnani, S., Narayanan, V., Qu, W., Jensen, M., Kandlikar, S., Kim, J., and Thome, J., “Boiling Augmentation with Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces: Current Status and Research Outlook”, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 197-222, 2014.


  • Sefiane, K., Fukutani, Y., Takata, Y., and Kim, J., “Thermal Patterns and Hydrothermal Waves (HTWs) in Volatile Drops”, Langmuir, 29 (31), pp. 9750-9760, 2013.
  • Trainer, D., Kim, J., and Kim, S.J., “Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Air-Assisted Impinging Water Jets, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 64, 501-513, 2013.
  • Jung, J.H., Kim, S.J., and Kim, J. “Observations of the Critical Heat Flux Process During Pool Boiling of FC-72”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 136, pp. 041501-1-12, 2013.



  • Raj, R., Kim, J., and McQuillen, J., “Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity: Results from the Microheater Array Boiling Experiment (MABE) on the International Space Station”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 134, pp. 101504-1-14, 2012
  • Kim, T.H., Kommer, E., Dessiatoun, S., and Kim, J., “Measurement of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Parameters Using Infrared Thermometry”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 40, pp. 56-67, 2012
  • Raj, R., Kim, J., and McQuillen, J., “On the Scaling of Pool Boiling Heat Flux with Gravity and Heater Size”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 134,  No. 1, pp. 011502 , 2012


  • Abbasi, B. and Kim, J. “Development of a General, Dynamic Pressure-Based, Single-Phase Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Correlation”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 133, pp. 052201-1 to 052201-10, May 2011, DOI: 10.1115/1.4002779.
  • Abbasi, B. and Kim, J. “Prediction of PF-5060 Spray Cooling Heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 133, pp. 101504-1 to 101504-13, August, 2011, Issue 10, DOI: 10.1115/1.4004012.


  • Abbasi, B. and Kim, J. “Dynamic Pressure Based Prediction of Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficients”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2010.01.007, Vol. 36, pp. 491-502, 2010.
  • Raj, R., Kim, J., and McQuillen, J. “Gravity Scaling Parameter for Pool Boiling Heat Transfer”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 132, pp. 091502-1 to 091502-9, September 2010, DOI: 10.1115/1.4001632.
  • Raj, R. and Kim, J. “Heater Size and Gravity Based Pool Boiling Regime Map: Transition Criteria Between Buoyancy and Surface Tension Dominated Boiling”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 132, pp. 091503-1 to 091503-10, September 2010, DOI: 10.1115/1.4001635.


  • Moores, K.A., Kim, J., and Joshi, Y.K. “Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Shrouded Pin Fin Arrays With and Without Tip Clearance”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 5978-5989, 2009.
  • Kim, J. “Review of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Mechanisms”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 35, pp. 1067-1076, 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2009.07.008, 2009. 


  • Moghaddam, S., Lawler, J., Currano, J., and Kim, J. “A novel method for measurement of total hemispherical emissivity,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 128-133, 2007.
  • Kim, J. “Spray cooling heat transfer: The state of the art,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 753-767, 2007.
  • Coursey, J.S., Kim, J., and Kiger, K.T. “Spray cooling of high aspect ratio open microchannels,” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 129, No. 8, pp. 1052-1059, 2007.


  • Henry, C.D., Kim, J., and McQuillen, J. “Dissolved Gas Effects on Thermocapillary Convection During Boiling in Reduced Gravity Environments,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 42, pp. 919-928, 2006.
  • Silk, E.A., Kim, J., and Kiger, K. “Spray Cooling of Enhanced Surfaces: Impact of Structured Surface Geometry and Spray Axis Inclination”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, pp. 4910-4920, 2006.


  • Coursey, J. S., Kim, J., and Boudreaux, P.J., “Performance of graphite foam evaporator for use in thermal management,” Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 127-134, 2005.
  • Henry, C.D., Kim, J., “Thermocapillary Effects on Low-G Pool Boiling From Microheater Arrays of Various Aspect Ratio,” Microgravity Science and Technology, XVI, pp. 170-175, 2005.
  • Horacek, B., Kiger, K., Kim, J., “Single Nozzle Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Mechanisms,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp. 1425-1438, 2005.
  • Myers, J.G., Yerrramilli, V.K., Hussey, S.W., Yee, G.F., and Kim, J., “Time and space resolved wall temperature and heat flux measurements during nucleate boiling with constant heat flux boundary conditions,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 2429-2442, 2005.
  • Henry, C.D., Kim, J., Chamberlain, B., and Hartmann, T.G., “Heater aspect ratio effects on pool boiling heat transfer under varying gravity conditions,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 773-782, 2005.

Clark School Students Selected for Philip Merrill Scholarships

Najmah Abdur-Rahman, Thilini Amarasinghe, and Visesh Uppoor win recognition for their academic achievements.

UMD ME Faculty Ranked in Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide

The department is home to some of the most widely-cited researchers in their fields.

Brennan, Seck Win MCAA Scholarships

Mechanical engineering students earn recognition from a leading professional organization.

Students Assist Sierra Leone School…Virtually!

Adapting to COVID-era constraints, MDSE volunteers found a way to proceed with a solar panel installation.

Srebric to Receive 2020 USM Board of Regents Faculty Award for Excellence in Innovation

Award is highest honor bestowed to faculty by the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.

Kim to Direct Undergraduate Studies, Pertmer to Co-Direct 

Keystone Professors to spearhead Undergraduate Studies program.  

UMD Engineering for Social Change Class Awards Non-Profit V-LINC $10,000 Grant to Support Custom Assistive Technology Program

Grant marks more than $30,000 in student-awarded grants given through landmark engineering philanthropy course.

Kim Receives USM Regents’ Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

University System of Maryland award recognizes Kim for his contributions to teaching.

Kim Awarded New US Patent

New patent is designed to optimize energy consumption of a building.

Kim to Chair Two Conferences

Professor Jungho Kim to chair two conferences focusing on the areas of boiling, condensation and heat transfer.

Kim Presents Keynote at International Conference on Multiphase Flows

Professor Jungho Kim delivers keynote and embarks on JSPS Fellowship in Japan.

Graduate Student Michael Siemann Installs WeatherBug Weather Station in Nepal

Station will aid pilots in navigating extreme regional weather changes.

That's Hot: Engineers to Test Boiling at Zero-Gravity

Experiment launches with Shuttle Discovery to International Space Station.

Jungho Kim Collaborates with NASA on Zero-Gravity Experiment

ME professor examines the effects of boiling in zero-gravity.

Visiting German Students Complete Engineering Undergraduate Requirements at UMD

Engineering interns from Mannheim, Germany enjoy UMD experience.

Pi Tau Sigma Announces Award Recipients

Dr. Solares & Greg Teitelbaum honored for fall 2008 instruction.

Engineers Without Borders Featured in Local Magazine

ME professors, students featured in local community magazine.

Student, professor fly on ‘Vomit Comet’

ME student Rishi Raj, professor Jungho Kim flew on European Space Agency ship.

Dr. Kim Promoted to Full Professor

Phase Change Heat Laboratory leader advances to new rank

Engineers Without Borders Installs Solar Systems in Burkina Faso

Sustainable power sources help illuminate community in developing African country.

Engineering Change in Burkina Faso

Engineers Without Borders team improves quality of life for African village.

Pi Tau Sigma Honors Faculty, Teaching Assistants

Faculty Appreication and Outstanding Teaching Assistant awards given by Pi Tau Sigma.

Mechanical Engineering Honors Prof. James Wallace & Faculty

Mechanical Engineering faculty were honored at the Faculty Recognition Event and Dinner on Friday, May 12.

Pi Tau Sigma Honors Faculty, Teaching Assistant

Pi Tau Sigma honored two faculty members and a teaching assistant during their initiation ceremony on May 10th.

Pi Tau Sigma Honors Faculty, Teaching Assistants

The Tau Mu Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, honors Abhijit Dasgupta and Victor Ovchinnikov on December 13th.

Associate Professor Jungho Kim Appointed ASME Fellow

Associate Professor Jungo Kim was recently elevated to Fellow status as a member of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

ME Ph.D. Student, Chair Attend Exchange Conference in Russia

Bar-Cohen and Henry were among five pairings of American professors and their students sponsored by the NSF.

Cho Awarded Outstanding Teaching Assistant Appreciation Award from Pi Tau Sigma

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jungho Kim is the faculty advisor for the organization.


Mechanical Engineering Graduate and Undergraduate Students to Participate in Fall, Spring Semester Competitions.

Students' Solar House Begins to Take Shape

The student team poured the concrete foundation on campus for a completely solar-powered house.

Microgravity Pool Boiling Experiment Upgraded to 'Flight Definition' by NASA

Experiment by Professor students of the Phase Change Heat Transfer Laboratory to study subcooled pool boiling of FC-72 has been upgraded to "flight definition" by NASA.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)