Special Robotics Seminar: Dr. Emad Boctor, "Robotics and Advanced Ultrasound Imaging"

Friday, May 11, 2018
2:00 p.m.
1146 AV Williams Bldg
Ania Picard
301 405 4358

Special Robotics Seminar

The Ultrasound of MUSiiC: Robotics and Advanced Ultrasound Imaging in Medicine

Emad Boctor
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology,
Computer Science, and
Electrical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University


Axel Krieger

Ultrasound (US) imaging remains one of the most commonly used imaging modalities in the medical practice due to its low cost and clinical safety. Unfortunately, there are three major challenges limiting the safe practice of this modality, broader patient deployment, and quantitative clinical outcomes. First, a very significant fraction of ultrasonographers (63-91%) develop musculoskeletal disorders due to efforts required to perform imaging tasks, further amplified when imaging obese patients given need for higher forces to compress anterior fat layer and for efficient procedure completion. Second, ultrasound imaging is limited by loss of resolution at increasing depths (e.g. in imaging of obese patients), significantly limiting imaging value with conventional ultrasound imaging. Finally, ultrasound imaging is most commonly qualitative in nature, and quantitative imaging (e.g. speed of sound) has been limited to full-tomographic imaging of the breast, and there is significant gap and need for more accurate imaging of various organs and diseases. Interestingly, all these seemingly distinct challenges can be tackled and addressed via a co-robotic framework. In the first part of the talk, we will introduce our co-robotic ultrasound imaging platform with cooperative force control, our high resolution co-robotic synthetic tracked aperture imaging, and our recent development in co-robotic quantitative ultrasound tomography.

In the second part of the talk, we will demonstrate our research in advanced ultrasound imaging. Specifically, we will focus on our efforts to democratize photoacoustic and thermal imaging technologies to be deployed on available ultrasound platforms and with minimal hardware alterations. Towards this goal, we will present our thermal imaging approach enabled by ultrasound tagging technology. Finally, we will demonstrate the first transcranial real-time in vivo recording of electrophysiological neural activity in brain with near-infrared photoacoustic voltage-sensitive dye imaging.

Emad Boctor completed B.Sc./M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1998. He also earned an MSCS degree in Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Louisville, Kentucky in 2000. He then received Master’s and Doctoral degrees in 2004 and 2007 from the Computer Science Department of Johns Hopkins University. In 2007, he joined The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, where he initiated a research program in the field of advanced interventional ultrasound imaging. Dr. Boctor’s research focuses on image-guided therapy and surgery, a subject in which he has authored and co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts, has filed more than 25 pending and issued patents, and has been recognized with numerous awards and fellowships. Dr. Boctor is an Engineering Research Center investigator and holds a primary appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology and a secondary appointment in both the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments at Johns Hopkins. He is an active member of IEEE, SPIE, and the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) societies and has been a scientific reviewer for many prestigious journals and conferences.

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